How to be IPD-like without actually doing it.

In the last blog we addressed the question of how do you achieve the benefits of integrated project delivery (IPD) without an integrated form of agreement (IFOA). Now we want to address some of the other specific approaches that can be employed to drive successful outcomes outside of an IPD agreement structure. Here are a few:
Early engagement of key subcontractors such as mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, curtainwall, etc.
We could write a separate paper on the benefits of doing this, but some of them include minimizes costly re-design, allows for early purchase of long lead items, improves coordination among the key trades, enhances the ability to start construction earlier, provides for an earlier cost guarantee, and increases accountability.
Employ Target Value Design (TVD) with real time estimating.
I am a passionate supporter of this approach, but it requires a preconstruction team that is highly experienced and passionate about driving great results for it to work effectively. This approach
requires complete transparency of all of the numbers. If one area of the budget is pushing over the target value, then the team needs to work together to find savings in another area to pay for it.
Employ Lean construction techniques to eliminate waste.
There is a plethora of information available on Lean construction including information provided by the Lean Construction Institute. Suffice it to say, if you are not employing Lean practices in delivering your projects you are definitely old school.
Perform Joint Project Reviews at key milestones.
A Joint Project Review is where the entire team does a comprehensive assessment of the project health at key intervals such as Programming/Pre-Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, 50% Construction Documents, etc. Vital signs such as scope, budget, schedule, and risks are evaluated, documented and reviewed with the Owner with action plans developed for areas requiring improvement.
Last, but not least, efficient Owner decision making.
Sorry, could not help but mention this one. It is critical that Owner representatives demonstrate strong, effective leadership while being accessible and empowered to make the key decisions necessary to move the project along efficiently. The need for this cannot be overstated.
One could argue there are many other elements necessary to result in successful project delivery. The above list is not intended to be all inclusive. As mentioned in a previous blog, clearly defining the Owner’s objectives and creating a realistic and well-informed budget are also critical to success. However, employing the additional approaches mentioned above will go a long way to achieving similar results experienced with true IPD methods without using an IPD agreement.